Pubg mobile update
Pubg mobile update

pubg mobile update

The ungraded radio effects bring you unforgettable games with PUBG mobile. Besides, the soundtracks are not less impressive. One hundred warriors in the combat must be satisfied with such a field. As a result, a more precise map opens in front of your eyes. Developers have actualized the battlefield in detail so that you can see realistic features on a massive island.


PUBG android App is possessing the best visual effects. People will attack the surroundings without even thinking, so prepare yourself! To be the winner, you need to stay calm and perform what you have to be alive when the challenge gets over. When survivors, including you, are closer together when the battlefield squeezes, you confront increasingly challenging situations. Players are suggested not to waste any time but stay tuned for aggressive enemies around. The game in PUBG Mobile happens on an island that shrinks in size. Players shouldn’t be stressed out when you get to decide the weapons, vehicles, location, and supplies to complete the survival mission. It remains to be the game where you need to fight against other 99 people to be the last man to survive. PUBG gameplay on emulators The best PUBG Mobile versions for you Since you have got the paid version yet, practicing with the emulating game should help you prepare and test out tips. The experience is almost the same when you play on PC, but it’s free.


Play game free with emulatorsĮmulators are helping a lot to help people to play the free game. You must know that these things contribute none to your chance of winning but boost your confidence and identity.

pubg mobile update

These are mostly about styles, clothes, and fancy items when you win. PUBG 0.6.0 comes with many rewards in Royale Pass. It’s better to memorize what you’ve been through and remember what to do with them. The PUBG map keeps changing all the time under influences from players. You will benefit somehow from these details, for hide-out or loot or fight. Your map records all places you have been through and the route you build up. It’s how you plan your moves effectively.


PUBG Mobile update 1.5 is now available on iOS and Android.If you are about to move to the new spots, a squadmate can let you know the situation. A Challenge Point System is also being implemented to evaluate player’s actions, awarding bonuses for positive behavior such as not quitting, not using friendly fire or going AFK." The amount of rewards will also be upgraded. The price of each Royale Pass Month is 360 UC (reduced from 600 UC) and the highest rank has been reduced from 100 to 50. "Each Royale Pass Month will run for one month only. "From Version 1.5 onwards, the current Royale Pass will be replaced by the Royale Pass Month (RPM) system," PUBG Mobile announced.


The rest of the patch consists of updates to Classic Mode, a new Clan Clash mode that pits clans against each other in a two-week battle, and a complete revamp of the Royale Pass System. Tesla doesn't seem as out of place in PUBG Mobile as Bugatti did in Black Desert, but it's still a unique partnership – to say the least. There's also the chance to find the self-driving Tesla Semi on roads throughout the map. You'll also find HyperLines – a new transit system that lets you move between fixed locations at certain times to quickly travel across the map.Īs for that Tesla partnership, four Gigafactories can be found across Erangel along with the ability to craft a Tesla Model Y. Logistics Agency (previously Yasnaya Polyana) Security Center (previously the Military Base) RELATED: Battlegrounds Mobile India's Launch Party Peaked At Almost Half A Million Viewers As you're running around the battlefield, here are a few of the new zones you'll encounter: Six districts have seen a "comprehensive technological transformation," leading to a radically redesigned map. While the partnership with Tesla might be the most interesting part of the update, the reworked Erangel map will probably have the biggest impact on your moment-to-moment gameplay. PUBG Mobile update 1.5 is now available, introducing a massive rework to the Erangel map, offering a new Royale Pass system, and – adding Tesla Model Y and Semi as in-game vehicles.

Pubg mobile update